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Mobile Search

Report: Google mobile speed update has no impact on general mobile rankings

The Google Speed Update, which began rolling out on July 9, has reportedly so far had almost no impact on downgrading the ranking of mobile pages in the Google mobile search results in general.

The SEO PowerSuite folks looked at about 33,500 keywords, 1 million pages of search results, and the positions from one to number 30 before and after the update and have come to the conclusion that there was no change in ranking, even for many slow pages, a week after the Speed Update was released. They ran the test back in April, before the Speed Update, and re-ran the results a week or so later between July 14 and July 16.

They graded the speed of each page in those results based on the Google PageSpeed Insights tool, which provides an optimization score, median FCP, and median DCL. First Contentful Paint (FCP) and DOM Content Loaded (DCL) are technical metrics for measuring the load time of a page; for more details, see this page.

Report: Google mobile speed update has no impact on general mobile rankings 1

They compared the metrics from before and after the Speed update release and concluded that there is “no correlation between the position in mobile SERPs and the median FCP/DCL metrics.” They added, “The growth of average FCP/DCL metrics before and after the Page Speed Update has been minor: 0.030 seconds and 0.028 seconds respectively.” To be fair, Google won’t tell you if a page is too slow, it won’t rank well in Google, so webmasters cannot look at a single metric to say that a specific page is so slow that it will be hurt the algorithm or not.

“Thus, there has hardly been any impact on search results a week after the Page Speed Update,” the SEO PowerSuite team wrote. They told me that there was no change in ranking due to speed after this update.

“The data suggests that there has hardly been any impact on search results a week after the Page Speed Update. There’s no correlation between the position in mobile SERPs and the median FCP/DCL metrics. The average FCP/DCL metrics growth 3 months before and immediately after the Page Speed Update has been minor: 0.030 seconds and 0.028 seconds, respectively. The correlation between the position in mobile SERPs and the average Optimization Score remains extremely high: 0.97. The average score has increased by 0.83 points, meaning that the standards of what separates a ‘good’ site from a ‘great’ site are on the rise,” says Aleh Barysevich, Founder and CMO SEO PowerSuite.

They do plan on rerunning the test later to see if anything changes in a longer time span from the rollout, but as of now, based on their data, they say there was no change in ranking in mobile search directly associated with this Speed Update algorithm — at least not yet.

About author

Digital marketing is the process of gaining customers through online activities. It involves search engine optimization, paid ads, social media marketing, email marketing, and website design. As a blogger, I write about SEO, paid ads, and other digital marketing issues. I have worked in the digital marketing industry since 2010. You can find out more about me by visiting my website, www.bloggerse.com.
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